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Att. Recep BOZKURT

Att. Mr Recep BOZKURT is the partner of Bozkurt & Partners Law Firm. He has graduated from Kastamonu Abdurrahman Paşa Anatolian High School and the Faculty of Law of Istanbul University.


After terminating his education, he was the 1st ranked candidate in the nationwide examination of district governor. Then, he became the 1st ranked candidate in the nationwide examination for becoming a judge. 

He worked as a judge for almost 40 years. He was appointed in in a diverse range of civil and penal courts, such as penal court of first instance, severe penal court, execution court, commercial court, civil court of first instance et seq.

During his legal career as a judge, he rendered thousands of judgments with regard to almost every kind of legal disputes. Subsequent to his retirement, he obtained the certificate of advocacy. He is now reflecting his experience to the legal consultancy services of Bozkurt & Partners Law Firm.

He can speak Turkish as the native language and English as a foreign language.

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